
Editorial Board plays a crucial role in the operation of the Canadian Social Science journal. Comprising a team of experts in the field, the Editorial Board provides invaluable guidance, supports content selection, and fosters engagement with new authors and submissions.


Functions of the Editorial Board:


Reviewing Submitted Manuscripts: Editorial Board members are responsible for reviewing and evaluating the quality and suitability of submitted manuscripts for publication.


Advising on Journal Policy and Scope: The Editorial Board offers expert advice on journal policies and scope, ensuring that the journal's content aligns with its objectives and target audience.


Identifying Topics for Special Issues: The Board members actively participate in identifying relevant and cutting-edge topics for special issues. They may also take on the role of guest editors for these issues.


Attracting New Authors and Submissions: With their expertise and reputation in the field, the Board members contribute to attracting new authors and encouraging high-quality submissions.


Promoting the Journal: Board members promote the Canadian Social Science journal within their professional networks, increasing its visibility and influence in the academic community.


Assisting in Decision Making: The Editorial Board supports the editor(s) in making critical decisions, such as handling plagiarism claims and resolving disagreements among reviewers.


Selection Process for Editorial Board Members:


Editorial board members are carefully selected by the journal's editor(s) in consultation with the publisher. The aim is to ensure a diverse and knowledgeable team.


The Editorial Board undergoes a comprehensive revision every two or three years, with members either continuing, stepping down, or new members joining. Interim changes may occur due to resignations.


Considerations for Board Composition:


Geographic Representation: The locations of Editorial Board members should reflect the broad reach of the Canadian Social Science journal.


Expertise Alignment: Board members' expertise should align with the journal's scope, covering various disciplines within the social sciences.


Key Research Institutes: Representatives from key research institutes are appointed to bring diverse perspectives and insights to the journal.


Recognition and Experience: Former guest editors of special issues, authors of key reviews, and top reviewers are considered for their valuable contributions to the journal.


Existing Board Member Recommendations: Current Board members may suggest potential candidates who align with the journal's mission.


Joining the Editorial Board:

If individuals are interested in becoming Editorial Board members, they should identify the Canadian Social Science journal and contact the editor through the Editorial Board listings page. However, it's important to note that invitations to join the Board are typically extended directly by the editors based on the criteria mentioned above. Requests to join are less common.

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